So, I looked at the script and tweaked it a bit. The Applescript below relies on the rating of the songs in your library. So, if you haven't rated your songs (between * and *****) then this script won't work. If you have, you'll find that the script will generate a playlist that tends to contain higher rated songs more frequently.
-- Default duration of the playlist (in seconds)
property reqDuration : 3 * 60 * 60
-- List with source(s) of playlists to use.
property listMusicPlaylists : {"Music"}
-- Name of the playlist to create
property myPlayList : "RandomMusic"
set cntM to count of listMusicPlaylists
tell application "iTunes"
set TrackCount to count tracks in (item 1 of every playlist)
-- create playlist if it doesn't exist yet
if not (exists playlist myPlayList) then
make new user playlist with properties {name:myPlayList}
end if
-- ask user the required duration of the playlist
set rslt to display dialog "Add to or replace the existing list? Enter number of minutes." default answer (reqDuration / 60) buttons {"Replace", "Add"} default button 2
set reqDuration to ((text returned of rslt) as integer) * 60
-- empty the playlist
if the button returned of rslt is "Replace" then
set thePlayList to item 1 of (every playlist whose name is myPlayList)
set cntSongs to (count tracks in thePlayList)
repeat cntSongs times
delete item 1 of (every track in thePlayList)
end repeat
-- action for 2nd button goes here
end if
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
set durPlayList to duration of playlist myPlayList
set LoopCnt to 0
repeat while durPlayList < reqDuration
set addFlag to false
set cntSongs to 0
set cntLoops to 0
-- pick a playlist with music
repeat while (cntSongs = 0)
tell me to set ptrM to random number from 1 to cntM
set selM to item ptrM of listMusicPlaylists
set musicPlaylist to item 1 of (every playlist whose name is selM)
set cntSongs to (count tracks in musicPlaylist)
set cntLoops to cntLoops + 1
-- prevent the repeat loop going infinite
if (cntLoops > cntM) then exit repeat
end repeat
-- determine a Rating-threshold for the next song
tell me to set rndm to random number from 1 to 99
set cntLps to 0
-- pick a song in the playlist
repeat until (addFlag = true)
tell me to set randSong to random number from 1 to cntSongs
set selSong to track randSong of musicPlaylist
-- get info on the selected song
set {dbid, onoff, ratSong} to ({database ID, enabled, rating} of selSong)
-- add the song to our playlist if:
-- 1. the song isn't already in our the playlist
-- 2. the song is enabled/selected
-- 3. the song's rating is higher than the Rating-threshold
if not (exists (some track of playlist myPlayList whose database ID is dbid)) and (onoff is true) and (rndm ≤ ratSong) then
duplicate selSong to playlist myPlayList
set addFlag to true
end if
set cntLps to cntLps + 1
-- prevent the repeat loop going infinite
if (cntLps > 5) then exit repeat
end repeat
set durPlayList to duration of playlist myPlayList
set LoopCnt to LoopCnt + 1
-- prevent the repeat loop going infinite
if (LoopCnt > TrackCount) then exit repeat
end repeat
end tell
say "ready"
on error the error_message number the error_number
say "Oh, Bother. An error occured while compiling the playlist " & myPlayList
my write_log("Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message)
end try
on write_log(this_text)
set myName to name of (info for (path to me))
set the theLog to ((path to desktop) as text) & myName & " Log.txt"
open for access file theLog with write permission
write (this_text & return) to file theLog starting at eof
close access file theLog
on error
close access file theLog
end try
end try
end write_log